The insertion of tiny needles to release almost any body dysfunction/ blockage such as: digestion, pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual issues, headaches, stress, sleep disturbances, sports injuries, chronic infections, allergies, anxiety, depression and other psychosomatic issues.
A gentle manual approach based on the concept that the body can formulate its own remedies against diseases when its parts are in a normal structural relationship, it has a normal environment, and it enjoys good nutrition. Osteopathy is particularly concerned with maintaining correct relationships between bones, muscles, and connective tissues. The practice of osteopathy includes gentle manipulations, Muscle Energy Technique, Joint Mobilization, Cranio-sacral Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation.
A suctioned cup is used to release Myo-fascial restrictions, and some internal stagnations and pathogens.
Visceral Manipulation
This delicate manual therapy is often cited as a missing link in the treatment of recurring musculoskeletal pain, postural distortions and biomechanical dysfunction. Visceral Manipulation aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. The focus is not solely on the site of pain or dysfunction, but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem.
Visceral Manipulation can benefit:
Chronic musculoskeletal pain • headaches and migraines • sciatica • back, hip and knee pain • repetitive strain injuries (e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, whiplash and other physical trauma) • shoulder periarthritis and capsulitis • restricted range of motion • vertigo • post-surgical pain and scar tissue • post-cardiac surgery • swallowing difficulties • acid reflux and heartburn • women's health issues (Endometriosis Fibroids and cysts) • bladder incontinencec • Crohn's Disease • liver disorders • digestive disorders • pediatrics issues • neuromotor problems • ward off infection • emotional disorders • anxiety and depression • Post Tramatic Stress Disorder • and much more
Cranial Osteopathy
Using therapeutic touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. Light touch of the skull, sacrum and spinal cord are used to normalize the pressure and circulatory rhythm of cerebral spinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds and cushions the central nervous system).
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Formulas
An adjunct to any manual therapy which helps work internally and at a constitutional basis so recovery is quicker and longer lasting.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Makes you look younger with more muscle tone, less wrinkles and a better complexion.
The use of tuning forks at acupoints that work at a deep, cellular level. This can be used as an adjunct to acupuncture or on its own as a treatment.